It has been a phenomenally engaging and enjoyable couple of weeks as ATC Events and Kienco ran the #Masterplan2014 Strategic Workforce Planning conference in Melbourne (26/27 March) and then Wellington (1/2 April).  Some photos and videos are coming, but for now I'll just reiterate my heartfelt thanks to the following people:

  • Stuart Elliott of Suncorp Group, our incredible MC who kept us on track, on time, on topic, and on edge;
  • Our phenomenal speakers;
  • Our business partners ATC Events, who are an absolute pleasure to work with and who we're very proud to be associated with;
  • The sponsors Aruspex and Workforce Planning Australia; and
  • All of the delegates who came and participated in the event.

It's a sign of the times that a conference that had around 150 delegates across two locations "down under" had a global reach - as well as the many media stories leading up to and during the conference, the Twitter stream reached 192,600 people through twitter and appeared in timelines 1,371,273 times.  Here are some of my favourites:

For all of you who made these events a success, thank you for your participation and support.  And if you missed out, ATC Events' "Main Event" is the Australasian Talent Conference, now in its' 8th year and featuring a new innovation lab showcasing cool new HR technologies.  You can find out more about that Australasian Talent Conference here.
